Bert Smith’s Cabin

Bert Smith's Cabin overlooks Camp Rock Springs
Bert Smith’s Cabin overlooks Camp Rock Springs

Located deep in the Mojave National Reserve exists a small stone building, known as Bert Smith’s Cabin, which serves as an ongoing monument to a national hero.  Bert Smith was a World War One veteran who moved to the Mojave in order to prolong his live and recover from the poison gas attacks which damaged his lungs during the war.  The original structure was built from wood, and later finished in stone.  Bert Smith lived at the site despite his prognosis, until the 1950’s.

Bert Smith's Cabin located in the Mojave National Reserve
Bert Smith’s Cabin located in the Mojave National Reserve
The NPS Sign refers to the site as "Rock House", I prefer Bert Smith's Cabin.
The NPS Sign refers to the site as “Rock House”, I prefer Bert Smith’s Cabin.

The ranch and ranch house are still in good shape due to a restoration by the National Park Service.  The cabin is locked and no access inside is permitted. The Rock House is mentioned in many guide books and a nice break from the Old Mojave Road.

Ryan and Rooger welcome you the their porch.
Ryan and Rooger welcome you the their porch.

The cabin is of rock construction and still contains glass and locked doors.  Bert Smith choose and excellent location.  The site has and amazing view of the area while overlooking the valley below, and is located just above Camp Rock Springs.  

There are picnic tables and vault toilets on site and you must walk a very short distance from a parking area to the cabin itself.

[map style=”width: auto; height:400px; margin:20px 0px 20px 0px; border: 1px solid black;” marker=”yes” lat=”35.154175″ lon=”-115.333877″]

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