About Destination4x4. Well, this site was founded by me, James Rathbun and I am the owner and sole contributor of this website. I was first introduced to the outdoors on my first camping trip in 1971, when my parents camping to Mammoth Lakes in October at just a few months old. To say that I have camped literally all of my life, and an not able to imagine not camping.
For me, camping, exploration and adventure resets me.

Throughout my life, I have rafted the Grand Canyon, hiked the narrows of Zion, back packed the High Sierras. Ghost towns, mine sites, history and exploration now drive me to share my adventures and experience. My father taught me how to take photographs while on a horse back trip in the Bob Marshall Wilderness in Montana. Ever since then, my desire to capture the beauty of nature and chase light is a passion.
Typically, I carry about 50 lbs worth of camera gear where I venture out, and hopefully my photography inspire others to do the same. I will also point out, that there are no “selfies” in my landscape photography. My philosophy is that the photographs should be about the landscapes and environments, not me.

I earned my Eagle Scout Badge with Boy Scout Troop 2 in San Gabriel, CA. The Journey to Eagle Scout exposed me to many opportunities, and made me appreciate our environment and landscapes. Little did I realize at that time, that I would hold these lessons close to my heart, and appreciate everything nature had to offer.
All of the non public domain photographs were taken by me, over the years, across the desert southwest. I have owned two jeeps, a 94 Grand Cherokee and an 2007 Jeep Wrangler. However, I am not a “Jeep” guy. For me, a 4×4 is about coming home, now climbing a hill.

My vacations start, when the cell phone starts to roam…
-James Rathbun