Tybo NSHM – Nevada State Historical Marker #172

Tybo NSHM is Nevada State Historical Marker number one hundred seventy two and is located in Nye County, Nevada.

Nevada State Historical Markers identify significant places of interest in Nevada’s history. The Nevada State Legislature started the program in 1967 to bring the state’s heritage to the public’s attention with on-site markers. Budget cuts to the program caused the program to become dormant in 2009. Many of the markers are lost of damaged.

Tybo Nevada - 1875
Tybo Nevada – 1875

Nevada State Historic Marker Text

Eight miles northwest of this point lies what was formerly one of the leading lead-producing districts in the nation. Producing erratically from ore discovery in 1866 to the present (the last mill closed in 1937), Tybo has managed to achieve an overall creditable record.

Tybo, in its infancy, was known as a peaceful camp, but later refuted that claim when there occurred racial strife between the Irish, Cornish and Central Europeans; later these groups banded together to drive from the town a company of Chinese woodcutters.

The town was not unique in having three residential sections, each with its ethnic group. However, all children went to the same brick school.

Nevada State Historical Marker #172

Nevada State Historic Marker Summary

NameTybo Nevada State Historical Marker
LocationNye County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude38.3099,-116.2782

Tybo NSHM Map


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