Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881

The Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881 described the the infamous gun fight at the O K Corral between the Earps and the Clanton faction in Tombstone.

Tombstone Daily Nugget October 27, 1881

A Desperate Street Fight

Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881

Marshal Virgil Earp, Morgan and Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday Meet the Cowboys – Three Men Killed and Two Wounded, One Seriously – Origins of the Trouble and its Tragic Termination.

The 26th of October, 1881, will always be marked as one of the crimson days in the annals of Tombstone, a day when blood flowed as water, and human life was held as a shuttlecock, a day always to be remembered as witnessing the bloodiest and deadliest street fight that has ever occurred in this place, or probably in the Territory.The origin of the trouble dates back to the first arrest of Stilwell and Spencer for the robbery of the Bisbee stage. The co-operation of the Earps and the Sheriff and his deputies in the arrest caused a number of cowboys to, it is said, threaten the lives of all interested in the capture. Still, nothing occured to indicate that any such threats would be carried into execution. But Tuesday night Ike Clanton and Doc Holliday had some difficulty in the Alhambra saloon. Hard words passed between them, and when they parted it was generally understood that the feeling between the two men was that of intense hatred. Yesterday morning Clanton came on the street armed with a rifle and revolver, but was almost immediately arrested by Marshal Earp, dismissed and fined by Justice Wallace for carrying concealed weapons. While in the Court room Wyatt Earp told him that as he had made threats against his life he wanted him to make his fight, to say how, when and where he would fight, and to get his crowd, and he (Wyatt) would be on hand.

In reply, Clanton said: “Four feet of ground is enough for me to fight on, and I’ll be there.” A short time after this William Clanton and Frank McLowry [sic] came into town, and as Thomas McLowry was already here the feeling soon became general that a fight would ensue before the day was over, and crowds of expectant men stood on the corner of Allen and Fourth streets awaiting the coming conflict.

It was now about two o’clock, and at this time Sheriff Behan appeared upon the scene and told Marshal Earp that if he disarmed his posse, composed of Morgan and Wyatt Earp, and Doc Holliday, he would go down to the O.K. Corral where Ike and James [sic] Clanton and Frank and Tom McLowry were and disarm them. The Marshal did not desire to do this until assured that there was no danger of attack from the other party. The Sheriff went to the corral and told the cowboys that they must put their arms away and not have any trouble. Ike Clanton and Tom McLowry said they were not armed, and Frank McLowry said he would not lay his aside. In the meantime the Marshal had concluded to go and, if possible, end the matter by disarming them, and as he and his posse came down Fremont Street towards the corral, the Sheriff stepped out and said: “HOld up boys, don’t go down there or there will be trouble: I have been down there to disarm them.” But they passes on, and when within a few feet of the the Marshal said to the Clantons and McLowrys: “Throw up your hands boys, I intend to disarm you.”

As he spoke, Frank McLowry made a motion to draw his revolver, when Wyatt Earp pulled his and shot him, the ball striking on the right side of his abdomen. About the same time Doc Holliday shot Tom McLowry in the right side using a short shotgun, such as is carried by Wells-Fargo & Co.’s messengers. IN the meantime Billy Clanton had shot at Morgan Earp, the ball passing through the point of the left shoulder blade across the back, just grazing the backbone and coming out at the shoulder, the ball remaining inside his shirt. He fell to the ground but in an instant gathered himself, and raising in a sitting position fired at Frank McLowry as he crossed Freemont Street, and at the same instant Doc Holliday shot at him, both balls taking effect either of which would have proved fatal, as one struck him in the right temple and the other in the left breast. As he started across the street, however, he pulled his gun down on Holliday saying, “I’ve got you now.” “Blaze away! You’re a daisy if you have, ” replied Doc. This shot of McLowry’s passed through Holliday’s pistol pocket, just grazing the skin.

While this was going on Billy Clanton had shot Virgil Earp in the right leg, the ball passing through the calf, inflicting a severe flesh wound. In turn he had been shot by Morgan Earp in the right wrist and once in the left breast. Soon after the shooting commenced Ike Clanton ran through the O.K. Corral, across Allen Street into Kellogg’s saloon and thence into Toughnut street where he was arrested and taken to the county jail. The firing altogether didn’t occupy more than twenty-five seconds, during which time fully thirty shots wree fired. After the fight was over Billy Clanton, who, with wonderful vitality, survived his wounds for fully an hour, was carried by the editor and foreman of the Nugget into a house near where he lay, and everything possible was done to make his last moments easy. He was “game” to the last, never uttering a word of complaint, and just before breathing his last he said, “Goodbye boys; go away and let me die.” The wounded were taken to their houses, and at three o’clock next morning were resting comfortably. The dead bodies were taken in charge by the Coroner, and an inquest will be held upon them at 10 o’clock today. Upon the person of Thomas McLowry was found between $300 and $400 and checks and certificates of deposit to the amount of nearly $3,000.

During the shooting Sheriff Behan was standing nearby commanding the contestants to cease firing but was powerless to prevent it. Several parties who were in the vicinity of the shooting had “narrow escapes” from being shot. One man who had lately arrived from the east had a ball pass through his pants. He left for home this morning. A person called “the Kid” who shot Hicks at Charleston recently, was also grazed by a ball. When the Vizina [mine] whistle gave the signal that there was a conflict between the officers and cowboys, the mines on the hill shut down and the miners were brought to the surface. From the Contention mine a number of men, fully armed, were sent to town on a four-horse carriage. At the request of the Sheriff the “Vigilantes,” or Committee of Safety, wre called from the streets by a few sharp toots from the Vizina’s whistle. During the early part of the evening there was a rumor that a mob would attempt to take Ike Clanton frm the jail and lynch him, and to prevent any such unlawful proceedings a strong guard of deputtes [sic] was placed around that building and will be so continued until all danger is past.

At 8 o’clock last evening Finn Clanton, a brother of Billy and Ike, came to town, and placing himself under the guard of the Sheriff, visited the morgue to see the remains of his brother, and then passed the night in jail in company with the other.


Shortly after the shooting ceased the whistle at the Vizina mine sounded a few short toots, and almost simultaneously a large number of citizens appeared on the streets armed with rifles and a belt of cartridges around their waists. These men formed in line and offered their services to the peace officers to preserve orderin case any attempt at disturbance was made, or any interference offered to the authorities of the law. However, no hostile move was made by anyone, and the quiet and order was fully restored, and in a short time the excitement died away.


The bodies of the three slain cowboys lay side by side, covered with a sheet. Very little blood appeared on their clothing, and only on the face of young Billy Clanton was there any distortion of the features or evidence of pain in dying. The features of the two McLowry boys looked as calm and placid in death as if they had died peaceably, surrounded by loving friends and sorrowing relatives. No unkind remarks were made by anyone, but feeling of unusual sorrow seemed to prevail at the sad occurrence. Of the two McLowry brothers we could learn nothing of their previous history before coming to Arizona. The two brothers owned quite an extensive ranch on the lower San Pedro, some seventy or eighty miles from this city, to which they had removed their band of cattle since the recent Mexican and Indian troubles. They did not bear the reputation of being of a quarrelsome disposition, but were known as fighting men, and have generally conducted themselves in a quiet and orderly manner when in Tombstone.


Tombstone Arizona

Tombstone Arizona is a historical point of interest, and the location of the O K Corral Gunfight, located in Cochise County, Arizona. The history and the stories of this small silver mining city are legend and cast a large shadow on the history of the desert southwest.

Tombstone, Arizona in 1881 photographed by C. S. Fly. An ore wagon at the center of the image is pulled by 15 or 16 mules leaving town for one of the mines or on the way to a mill. The town had a population of about 4,000 that year with 600 dwellings and two church buildings. There were 650 men working in the nearby mines. The Tough Nut hoisting works are in the right foreground. The firehouse is behind the ore wagons, with the Russ House hotel just to the left of it. The dark, tall building above the Russ House is the Grand Hotel, and the top of Schieffelin Hall (1881) is visible to the right.
Tombstone, Arizona in 1881 photographed by C. S. Fly. An ore wagon at the center of the image is pulled by 15 or 16 mules leaving town for one of the mines or on the way to a mill. The town had a population of about 4,000 that year with 600 dwellings and two church buildings. There were 650 men working in the nearby mines. The Tough Nut hoisting works are in the right foreground. The firehouse is behind the ore wagons, with the Russ House hotel just to the left of it. The dark, tall building above the Russ House is the Grand Hotel, and the top of Schieffelin Hall (1881) is visible to the right.

Tombstone was founded in 1877 by prospector Ed Schieffelin, who had been told that the only thing he would find in the area was his own tombstone due to the dangerous Apache territory. Ignoring the warning, Schieffelin discovered a rich silver vein in the region, sparking a mining boom. The town quickly grew as prospectors and miners flocked to the area in search of silver.

 Ed Schieffelin
Ed Schieffelin

The name “Tombstone” was chosen in reference to Schieffelin’s earlier remark, and the town became a symbol of the rough and lawless frontier during the late 19th century. It was home to cowboys, miners, gamblers, outlaws, and lawmen, all contributing to the town’s legendary reputation.

In the early 1880s, Tombstone experienced significant growth and development. The population surged to over 10,000 people, making it one of the largest cities in the American Southwest at the time. The town boasted numerous businesses, including saloons, theaters, brothels, and a thriving red-light district. The Bird Cage Theatre, known for its raucous entertainment and gambling, became an iconic landmark of the era. The silver mines paid for everything. Silver ore from the mines is hauled by wagon, 9 miles to the southwest to the town of Millville, Arizona.

"Old South Shaft Ore Quarry, Face of Tough-nut Mine, part of Town of Tombstone, Arizona. Dragoon Mountains, with Cochise Stronghold in background," mammoth plate, by the American photographer Carleton E. Watkins
“Old South Shaft Ore Quarry, Face of Tough-nut Mine, part of Town of Tombstone, Arizona. Dragoon Mountains, with Cochise Stronghold in background,” mammoth plate, by the American photographer Carleton E. Watkins

The Gunfight

One of the most infamous incidents occurred on October 26, 1881, when a confrontation known as the gunfight at the O.K. Corral took place. The shootout involved the Earp brothers (Wyatt, Virgil, and Morgan) and Doc Holliday on one side, and a group of outlaws known as the Cowboys on the other. The gunfight resulted in several deaths and injuries and became one of the most legendary events of the Wild West.

The bodies of Tom & Frank McLaury and Bill Clanton after the shoot-out in Tombstone
The bodies of Tom & Frank McLaury and Bill Clanton after the shoot-out in Tombstone

The Arizona Historical Newspaper, the Tombstone Epitaph announces the gunfight at the O K Coral.
The Arizona Historical Newspaper, the Tombstone Epitaph announces the gunfight at the O K Coral.

This ends Mr. Coleman’s story which in the most essential particulars has been confirmed by others. Marshal Earp says that he and his party met the Clantons and the McLowrys in the alleyway by the McDonald place; he called to them to throw up their hands, that he had come to disarm them. Instantaneously Bill Clanton and one of the McLowrys fired, and then it became general. Mr. Earp says it was the first shot from Frank McLowry that hit him. In other particulars his statement does not materially differ from the statement above given. Ike Clanton was not armed and ran across to Allen street and took refuge in the dance hall there. The two McLowrys and Bill Clanton all died within a few minutes after being shot. The Marshal was shot through the calf of the right leg, the ball going clear through. His brother, Morgan, was shot through the shoulders, the ball entering the point of the right shoulder blade, following across the back, shattering off a piece of one vertebrae and passing out the left shoulder in about the same position that it entered the right. The wound is dangerous but not necessarily fatal, and Virgil’s is far more painful than dangerous. Doc Holliday was hit upon the scabbard of his pistol, the leather breaking the force of the ball so that no material damage was done other than to make him limp a little in his walk.

Tombstone Daily Epitaph – October 27, 1881

C. S. Fly's Photography Gallery, Tombstone, Arizona on fire 1912, Photograph by Mary "Mollie" Fly
C. S. Fly’s Photography Gallery, Tombstone, Arizona on fire 1912, Photograph by Mary “Mollie” Fly

Tombstone settled down to respectable prosperity. Two fires (June 22, 1881, and May 25, 1882) had wiped out most of the business district. It was promptly rebuilt, and the good times lasted through 1883. By 1884 the price of silver led the mine owners to attempt to reduce wages from $4.00 a day to $3.50. The union struck, and violence at the mines brought what outlawry had never brought troops from Fort Huachuca.

In 1886 water filled the mines, and despite attempts to pump, the mines were closed. Two-thirds of the population left the town. Two brief flurries of prosperity occurred, one in 1890 and one in 1902, but they did not last. In 1929 (the same year Wyatt Earp died in Los Angeles), the county seat was moved to Bisbee, and Tombstone lost its last reason for being, but the town proved
“too tough to die.”

“almost as hell-roaring a place as Leadville. The boys were all decorated with six-guns and believe me, they knew how to use them. The handiest on the draw stayed in town, but those that were too slow made a one-way trip to Boot-Hill

Frank Shorty Harris – On Tombstone in 1885

In the decades that followed, Tombstone gradually reemerged as a tourist attraction and historical landmark. Efforts were made to preserve the town’s historical buildings and artifacts. The Tombstone Historic District was established in 1962, ensuring the preservation of the town’s rich heritage.

Today, Tombstone attracts visitors from around the world who come to experience its Old West charm. The town has been meticulously restored, and many of the original buildings, including the O.K. Corral and the Bird Cage Theatre, have been preserved as museums and tourist attractions. Visitors can explore the streets, watch reenactments of the gunfight, and learn about the fascinating history of the American frontier.

Tombstone City Map

Tombstone Arizona is located in the South East Corner of Arizona along State Route 80.

Tombstone Summary

NameTombstone, Arizona
LocationCochise County, Arizona
Latitude, Longitude31.7233, -110.0797
Elevation4,406 ft (1,343 m)
National Register of Historic Places_66000171
NewspaperTombstone Epitaph
National Historic Landmark66000171


People of Tombstone

C. S. Fly's Photography Gallery, Tombstone, Arizona

Camillus Sydney Fly – Tombstone Photographer

Camillus Sydney Fly was a photographer and eyewitness to one of the most notorious gunfights in western history. Camillus Sidney Fly was born in Andrew…
Ed Schieffelin

Edward Lawrence Schieffelin

Edward Lawrence Schieffelin, a rugged and determined prospector, carved his name in the annals of American history as the man who discovered silver and founded…
Frank "Shorty" Harris

Frank “Shorty” Harris

Frank Harris was a prospector, desert rat and perhaps the best known character in western mining history. He looked the part, often travelling the desert…
John Peters "Johnny" Ringo ( May 3, 1850 – July 13, 1882 )

John Peters “Johnny” Ringo

Johnny Ringo was an American gunfighter and outlaw most commonly associated with the infamous happenings in Tombstone, Arizona. He was often portrayed as the hired…

Tombstone Articles

Charleston, circa 1885 - Photograph by C. S Fly

Charleston Arizona

Charleston, Arizona is a ghost town located in Cochise County, Arizona. the town operated from the late 1870's through the 1880's. The town is founded…
Millville, sister town to Charleston located just across the San Pedro River, circa 1880

Millville Arizona

Millville Arizona is a ghost town and sister city to Charleston, Arizona located along the San Pedro River, in Cochise County, Arizona. Charleston served as…
Tombstone, Arizona in 1881 photographed by C. S. Fly. An ore wagon at the center of the image is pulled by 15 or 16 mules leaving town for one of the mines or on the way to a mill. The town had a population of about 4,000 that year with 600 dwellings and two church buildings. There were 650 men working in the nearby mines. The Tough Nut hoisting works are in the right foreground. The firehouse is behind the ore wagons, with the Russ House hotel just to the left of it. The dark, tall building above the Russ House is the Grand Hotel, and the top of Schieffelin Hall (1881) is visible to the right.

National Register of Historic Places – Tombstone

The National Register of Historic Places Nomination Application of the history of Tombstone, Cochise County, Arizona The bodies of Tom & Frank McLaury and Bill…

Statement of E F Boyle

A Brief History The gunfight at the O.K. Corral summary refers to an infamous shootout in the American West in the streets of Tombstone Arizona…
Virgil Earp 1843 -1905

Statement of Virgil Earp

The transcribed testimony and statement of Virgil Earp regarding the gunfight on Fremont Street in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. The gunfight on Fremont street, infamously known…
Wyatt Berry Stapp Earp - Aged 39

Statement of Wyatt Earp

The transcribed testimony and statement of Wyatt S. Earp regarding the gunfight on Fremont Street in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. The gunfight on Fremont street, infamously…
John H. Behan - Sheriff of Cochise County in the Arizona Territory

Testimony of J H Behan

The transcribed testimony of J H Behan regarding the gunfight on Fremont Street in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. A Brief History The gunfight at the O.K.…
William "Billy" Claiborne was one of five outlaw Cowboys at the Gunfight at the O.K. Corral. He was unarmed and fled

Testimony of W.C. Claiborn

The transcribed testimony of W.C. Claiborn regarding the gunfight on Fremont Street in Tombstone, Arizona Territory. William "Billy" Claiborne was one of five outlaw Cowboys…
The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882

The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882

The Tombstone Epitaph, March 20, 1882 reports of the murder of Tombstone Resident Morgan Earp while playing pool in Tombstone, Arizona. This event followed the…
The Arizona Historical Newspaper, the Tombstone Epitaph announces the gunfight at the O K Coral.

The Tombstone Epitaph, October 27, 1881

The following is the original transcript of The Tombstone Epitaph published on October 27, 1881 on the infamous gun fight at the O K Corral…

Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881

The Tombstone Daily Nugget, October 27, 1881 described the the infamous gun fight at the O K Corral between the Earps and the Clanton faction…

Further Reading

Southeastern Arizona Mining Towns - Images of America - Author William Ascarza

Southeastern Arizona Mining Towns

Southeastern Arizona Mining Towns - Images of America - Author William Ascarza Southeastern Arizona has one of the most diverse mining localities in the state.…
Tombstone (Images of America) - Author: Jane Eppinga

Tombstone (Images of America)

Tombstone (Images of America) - Author: Jane Eppinga Tombstone sits less than 100 miles from the Mexico border in the middle of the picturesque Arizona…

Charleston Arizona

Charleston, Arizona is a ghost town located in Cochise County, Arizona. the town operated from the late 1870’s through the 1880’s. The town is founded as a sister city of Millville, Arizona, which is located just across the San Pedro River. Charleston served as a type of residential community to Millville.

Charleston, circa 1885 - Photograph by C. S Fly
Charleston, circa 1885 – Photograph by C. S Fly

Millville, and later Charleston, is built to process ore from nearby Tombstone, which is located about 9 miles northeast of Charleston. The stamp mills in Millville is owned by Tombstone Mill and Mining Company and Corbin Mill and Mining Company started operations in 1879. Peak operations are from 1881 – 1882 where the mills processed 1.4 million dollars in silver bullion.

J.W. Swart's Saloon in Charleston, circa 1885
J.W. Swart’s Saloon in Charleston, circa 1885

At its peak, Charleston suffered a nasty reputation of a rough and tumble town. Following the notorious gunfight in Tombstone, Charleston which claimed the Clantons, the McLaurys, Johnny Ringo, “Curly Bill” Brocius, Pete Spence and Frank Stillwell, as citizens, it is no wonder the town is found guilty by association. In Charleston, Frank Stillwell was the previous owner of the J.W. Swart saloon prior to selling in 1881. The bulk of the these men are under the employment of the Clanton’s Ranch. On May 6, 1882, The Tombstone Epitaph reported on Charleston that the town is “well regulated and free from turmoil” and “one of the most peaceful places we were ever in.”

In 1886 the silver mines in Tombstone flooded with water. The mills in Millville were forced to shut down, and Charleston and Millville went into steep decline. In the 1890’s, Charleston is abandoned and considered a ghost town. Charleston was briefly inhabited in the 1890s by a small population of Mexican immigrants who used the remaining wooden structures as firewood.

Charleston Town Summary

NameCharleston, Arizona
LocationCochise County, Arizona
Also Known AsCharleston Station
Latitude, Longitude31.6358, -110.1725
Elevation1216 meters / 3990 feet
Post OfficeApril 17, 1879 – October 24, 1888

Charleston Trail Map

Charleston is located about 9 miles southwest of Tombstone, Arizona. Charleston and Millville are not accessible by car and can only be reached by hiking up the San Pedro River. The Bureau of Land Management has begun maintaining trails to and from the area. 


Searchlight Nevada

Searchlight Nevada is a unincorporated town with a history in mining. The small town in Clark County is located south of Las Vegas in Clark County, Nevada and honored with Nevada State Historic Marker number one hundred and sixteen. The Nevada Start Historic Marker is located on the west side of the highway as you enter town.

Nevada State Historical Markers identify significant places of interest in Nevada’s history. The Nevada State Legislature started the program in 1967 to bring the state’s heritage to the public’s attention with on-site markers. Budget cuts to the program caused the program to become dormant in 2009. Many of the markers are lost of damaged.

Main Street of Searchlight, Nevada
Main Street of Searchlight, Nevada

The town is founded after George Frederick Cook prospected the area beginning May 6th, 1897. It is said that he would take a searchlight to find gold in the area, lending the town its name. Following the discovery of gold, the area boomed, which caused its population to raise. At the time, the mining town was part of Lincoln County, and for a time its population was larger than that of Las Vegas. When Clark County is created the town was briefly considered to be the county seat.

Between 1907 and 1910, the gold mines of Searchlight produced $7 million dollars in gold and boasted a population of 1,500. Ore is shipped to Barnwell via the Barnwell and Searchlight rail service. In order to reduce costs, the Quartette company constructed a twenty-stamp mill on the Colorado River. The new mill utilized a 15 mile narrow gauge rail is constructed down to the mill in an attempt to further reduce costs. The rail is completed in 1902. Several tent saloons are erected during this time and named Cyrus Noble, Old Bottle and the Little Brown Jug.

Quartette Mill, Searchlight, Nevada
Quartette Mill, Searchlight, Nevada

Later in 1903, enough water is is on hand in town to support a second twenty-stamp mill. The onsite mills capacity is further increased in 1906 when the Colorado Mill is closed and relocate near town.

During its peak in 1907, Searchlight boasts well-furnished stores, about a dozen saloons, telephone exchange, forty four mines and several mills. The Chamber of Commerce advertised some 5,000 people living in the little haven. Searchlight’s decline began in 1917.

Today, the town is home to about 500 people. Its location on the 95 highway offers a rest spot for travelers between Las Vegas and various Colorado River how spots, including Lake Mojave, Laughlin NV, Bullhead City and Havasu. The small community is home to a few small casinos, gas and food. Senator Majority Harry Leader Harry Reid is perhaps the towns most notable citizen. Harry Ried proudly raised the American Flag over his property, when he was home which was visible from the highway.

Nevada State Historic Marker Text

Initial discoveries of predominately gold ore were first made at this location on May 6, 1897.  G.F. Colton filed the first claim, later to become the Duplex Mine.  The Quartette Mining Company, formed in 1900, became the mainstay of the Searchlight district, producing almost half of the area’s total output.  In May 1902, a 16 mile narrow-gauge railroad was built down the hill to the company’s mill on the Colorado River.

On March 31, 1907, the 23.22 mile Barnwell and Searchlight Railroad connected the town with the then main Santa Fe line from Needles to Mojave.  By 1919 trains travelled over the B. and S. Railroad only twice a week.  A severe washout on September 23, 1923, halted traffic completely.  Train service was never restored.

Searchlight is the birthplace of U.S. Senator Harry Reid (b.1939) who became the first Nevadan to serve as the Senate Majority Leader, a position he assumed in 2007.


Nevada State Historic Marker Map

Town Summary

NameSearchlight, Nevada
LocationClark County, Nevada
Latitude, Longitude35.4744, -114.9307
Nevada State Historic Marker116
Populationup to 5,000
Elevation3,547 ft (1,081 m)
News PaperSearchlight Bulletin Jan 1, 1903 – Jan 3, 1913
